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How To Survive When We Enter the Beginning of Sorrows

Endtime Church August 12: How To Survive When We Enter the Beginning of Sorrows. Up to this point, the best description to use for the current state of the world concerning eschatological events is that we have been going through "Braxton Hicks" events. These "false labor" pains have prepared the world for the real labor pains, or the Beginning of Sorrows. When these labor pains end, we will be with the Lord by rapture or resurrection.

Most of us can say that 2024 has been a year when all kinds of events have occurred. War and rumors of wars focused on Israel, the impending Red Heifer sacrifice by the Temple Institute, wars globally, earthquakes and volcanic activity at an all-time high, COVID making a resurgence with the threat of an even more deadly contagion soon to come, economic collapse of financial systems in the world, and Christians at each other's throats. Racial, religious, and national division is seeing the world burn. The UK is on the verge of a full-blown Civil War. The US is ripping itself apart over political and social agendas, with powerful players behind the scenes pulling the strings of politicians on both sides of the aisle.

Do all of these things indicate that we are about to enter into the actual labor pains or the Beginning of Sorrows? Are we at a culminating event in the "Braxton Hicks" phase of preparation? If so, what lessons should genuine Christians have learned that will help us survive in faith in the Beginning of Sorrows? This is what we will discuss tonight. This message has the potential to be one of the most spiritually consequential messages you may ever hear.

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